Last modified by: Alpine Crew -

Creating a PIER Review

Did you know that once your year end data has been submitted to Canada Revenue Agency, they perform what is called a Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Review a.k.a. PIER?

This allows them to review the total employee earnings and if the correct amount of CPP and EI have been remitted.

Our system has replicated this process via the PIER Reivew tool that will help you review your data in preparation for year end and the government PIER review. This can be run anytime during the payroll year to review that your deductions are on track. 


Creating a PIER Review

1. Go to the Payroll tab and click PIER Review under the Remittance Auditing heading. You will see a table which includes the current year. 

2. To create a PIER for the current year, click Prepare New.

3. A pop up will appear allowing you to choose a date. Any payroll data before the date selected will be included. Click Prepare.

4. The page/table will refresh and you will see the word "Creating" on the current year row. This process could take 15 seconds or more, depending on how much data is being reviewed (i.e. employee count, how many payrolls etc.). Manually refresh your page (Control + F5) to check it's progress.

5. Once the report creation is complete, click on the View link to review.

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