Last modified by: Kevin Zimmer -

Example: Employee Tax Settings

This tutorial takes you through running an Employee Tax Setting Report of report using the base custom report titled: Employee Tax and Compensation. This report will allow you to view employees' tax exemptions and additional tax settings by their region of employment. This tutorial starts from within the reports selection page. If you do not know how to get there see the tutorial on Creating a Custom Report.

1. Click the tab titled Employee Tax and Compensation



2. Press the submit button with the selected employee being All. Now the report will take a few moments to load. Once it is loaded press the button titled Layout to hide columns which are not needed in this report. Uncheck all columns EXCEPT those listed below, then click OK.

Columns to leave checked:

  • Employee Code

  • Last Name

  • Legal Name

  • Region of Employment

  • Department Name

  • Federal TD 1

  • Provincial TD 1

  • Additional Tax Type Deduction

  • Additional Tax Type


3. Next we want to organize our report by department. Press Group then use the drop down to set Grouping Column to Department Name.  Click Add.




4. Now we want to sort the employees in each department alphabetically. To do this press the Sort button and use the following settings: Data Column: Last Name, and Order Direction: Ascending. Then click Add. 



5. To export the data to PDF Excel or CSV files press the respective button above the table.



6. To save your report click the Save As button. The system will prompt you for a name. If this report is to be viewed by only the report creator check off Private Report. 



Your report is now saved. Next time you go under the Reports tab of the main menu, your report will appear in the report listing table.

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