Last modified by: Kevin Zimmer -
This tutorial covers the compensation section of the new employee setup. This section immediately follows the demographics. See the tutorial on Creating a New Employee for information on that.
1. After finishing the demographics of a new employee you will immediately be directed to the Compensation screen. Assign an employee number, enter the employee's Start Date, enter the Region of Employment, and assign a Home Department.
Note that if the Suggest New Employee Code feature is turned on for the organization, the next unused employee code will populate the employee number field.
2. The Compensation tab will reload and your saved information will appear. Scroll down to the Compensation Policies Section and click Add Compensation Policy and add the pay rate for this employee.
4. If the employee is a salaried employee then check off Salary, enter Annual Salary, and then enter the Average Hours Worked Per Pay Period. Enter the effective date for the pay rate to take effect. Click the Save button.
Note, in general when creating a new employee the date for the pay-rate taking effect is the same date you create the employee on. This option is more planned raises or pay-cuts.
5. If the employee is an Hourly employee then check off Hourly Wage, select Custom Rate, and enter the employee's Custom Rate, or pay-rate per hour. Click the Save button.
Note, in general when creating a new employee the date for the pay-rate taking effect is the same date you create the employee on. This option is more planned raises or pay-cuts.