Last modified by: Alpine Crew -

How can I update my address, phone number, email etc.?

Employees can now update their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses on file by accessing the My Details tab inside the system.  Any updates made by an employee will be tracked in a history report and can be reviewed by your payroll administrator.




When it loads, the My Details page will show the existing values saved in the system.


Updating Your Address

Updating Your Phone Number

Updating Emergency Contacts

Updating Your Email Address


Updating Your Address

1. On the My Details page, navigate to the Address of Residence section.

2. Edit the fields that you need to update.

Note: At this time, only Canadian addresses can be entered in the system. 

If this is the only thing you need to change, scroll to the bottom and click Submit.



Updating Your Phone Number

1. On the My Details page, navigate to the Phone Numbers section.

2. Edit the fields that you need to update.

3. You can also set a Primary phone number by clicking the radio button to the right of the field.


  • At this time, only one phone number can be entered per contact point type.
  • Setting a phone number type as the Primary does not change which phone number is linked to ShiftShark.
  • If the value of the phone number linked to ShiftShark is updated, the new phone number will be used on the next activity.

If this is the only thing you need to change, scroll to the bottom and click Submit.



Updating Emergency Contacts

1. On the My Details page, navigate to the Primary or Secondary Emergency Contact Details section.

2. Edit the fields that you need to update.


If this is the only thing you need to change, scroll to the bottom and click Submit.





Updating Your Email Address

1. On the My Details page, navigate to the Emails section.

2. Edit the fields that you need to update.

3. You can also set a Primary email by clicking the radio button to the right of the field.


  • At this time, only one email can be entered per email type.
  • Setting an email type as the Primary does not change which email is linked to notifications.
  • If the value of the email linked to notifications is updated, the new email will be used on the next activity.

If this is the only thing you need to change, scroll to the bottom and click Submit.



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