Last modified by: Kevin Zimmer -

How to read a cheque for direct deposit set up

Many employees will provide a voided cheque for direct deposit payment. In order to set up an employee with direct deposit payment, we will need three numbers: the Route (financial institution), Transit and Account numbers, all of which can be found on a cheque.

The route number, often called the financial institution number, is a 3 digit number that identifies which bank a person is with.

Transit numbers are 5 digits and are usually the branch of the bank the employee is with.

Account numbers are anywhere from 7 digits upwards that identify the individual account for that person. TD Canada Trust and Scotiabank account numbers consist of both the designation number and account number- this means that both numbers are combined to get the full account number.


Cheque shows: 057 12345 004 987654321

The 057 is the cheque number.  Do not enter this in the payroll system.

12345 is the transit

004 in the route

987654321 is the account

Some banks have samples of how to read their cheques online which can be accessed by the links below:


Route / Financial Institution # Bank Name
001 Bank of Montreal
002 Scotiabank
003 RBC
004 TD Canada Trust
006 National Bank
010 CIBC
016 HSBC
030 Canadian Western Bank
039 Laurentian Bank of Canada
326 Amicus (President's Choice)
540 Manulife Bank
809 Credit Union - BC
819 Caisses Populaire
828 Credit Union - ON
879 Credit Union - MB
889 Credit Union - SK
899 Credit Union - MB



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