Last modified by: Kevin Zimmer -

What is an ESOE?

An ESOE is an electronic (PDF) copy of your statement of earnings.

It contains information about your earnings, benefits and deductions for the pay period noted on the slip, as well as a total for the current year. ESOEs are encrypted for your protection.

You have received an ESOE because your employer has opted you in. ESOEs will be sent right to your email inbox 1-2 days before payday. You can leave them in your inbox, or download and save them for your records.

To view your ESOE, follow these easy steps:

  • View or Download the attachment from the email you received.
  • Once you open it, you will be asked to enter a password.
  • The password is the last four digits of your social insurance number.

Voila! You've opened your ESOE.

If you need to change your email address or ESOE password, contact your employer directly.

Can't view the attachment? You might need to download a free PDF reader like Adobe Reader.

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