Last modified by: Kevin Zimmer -

How do I see a specific group of employees on the input sheet? (Filters/Views)

If you're trying to see a particular subset of employees amongst an input sheet that includes the entire organization it can be quite the headache. Luckily for you there are a number of ways to get the input sheet to show you exactly what you want. Here's how.


Above the input sheet grid is the "Group by" section:


The "Group By" drop down menu decides the order in which employees appear in your input sheet. The default is Employee which orders them alphabetically. However you can use this drop down menu to change to Department which orders employees by departments.



To further refine what you want displayed, just to the right of the "Group By"drop down menu, there is a box that reads "Add Filter".


A new window will appear giving you a number of filtering options.


Choose which departments you want to see employees from by clicking the department name on the list and then clicking the arrow button pointing to the right.
You can make further selections with the radio buttons below the department selection, or even look up an individual employee by entering their first or last name.


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