Last modified by: Kevin Zimmer -

How to set up Wage Garnishments

The first step to adding a Garnishment is to create a garnishment payroll instruction. Garnishment deductions can either be a fixed amount or percentage of wages.

Step 1: Create a Garnishment Deduction.

 Navigate to the Payroll Set up section and add new deduction. 


Adding a percentage garnishment deduction.

  1. Enter the name of the deduction, it is suggested you use the name and description Garnishment (for fixed deductions) or Garnishment % (for percentage deductions).
  2. If the garnishment order indicates it is a percentage then enter the Schedule as Every pay run (regular and unscheduled pay runs). 
  3. Apply the PI deduction to All Employees
  4. Generates values in All Departments
  5. Allow Value/Formula override
  6. Input value type: Percentage
  7. Instruction Value: select Determined using a formula and enter the following formula [InputValue]*([GrossPay]-([CPP])-([EI])-([FedTax])-([ProvTax]))
  8. Formula Code: Garnishment
  9. Source: Off Net

IBEX can issue payment and deliver the payment on the company's behalf. Contact us and it will be our pleasure to make this arrangement. 


Step 2: Adding the Garnishment to the employee's payroll instructions.

Navigate to the employee maintenance screen and Apply Employee Override to the Garnishment % payroll instruction.

Enter in the garnishment percentage in the Default Value (%) field 


 The input grid will include a deduction column with the garnishment deduction that will reoccur on each pay run.

Setting Deduction Maximums

As an added feature, you can set a maximum dollar amount to be deducted. Once the deduction has reached the inputted value, the garnishment will stop deducting until it has been reset. 




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