Last modified by: Alpine Crew -
How do I setup a Payroll Trigger for my employee?
In the Employee Profile you wish to set up, go to the Payroll Instructions tab.
Find the Payroll Instruction you wish to set up for Payroll Triggers.
If the payroll instruction has never been overridden, click Add Employee Override in the right-most column. If the payroll instruction has been previously edited, click Edit in the right-most column.
To enable the Update Method edit feature, ensure that the checkbox for Override Default Properties is on.
Click Save. This will return you to the PI listing.
Now, Edit the Payroll Instruction you want to set up for Payroll Triggers.
Note: The initial or first default value of the payroll instruction should be entered in the Default Value field. The remaining values and their associated triggers will be set up in the Update Method table.
Click Edit by the Update Method.
For Date Based triggers:
- Select the period type that the trigger will use - Days or Months.
- Select the date to be used for calculation.
- Employee Start Date
- Employee Rehire Date
- Custom Date (Organization Based)
- Seniority Date
- Years of Service On - you will be prompted to enter a specific date if this is chosen. The trigger will use their calculated years of service on the date you specify.
- To begin setting up the table, click the Add button to enter your values and criteria.
- In the pop-up, enter the following information:
- Default Value - the new default value to be used
- Change Period - the # of Days or Months before the value kicks in
For Accrual Based triggers:
- Select the accrual you want evaluated to trigger the default change.
- To begin setting up the table, click the Add button to enter your values and criteria.
- In the pop-up, enter the following information:
- Default Value - the new default value to be used
- Accrual Value - the # the accrual needs to reach before the value kicks in
Once all your criteria have been entered, click Save to complete.