Last modified by: Alpine Crew -

Accessing T4/T4A Drafts

Once the you have closed the year, drafts of your T4/T4A slips will be available under the following section:

Payroll > Year End > T4/T4A Runs

Click T4/T4A Runs to review your slips. 


a) Year End Tax Form Runs List

Here you will see a grid which will list your previous T4/T4A Runs as well as the current year.

Your draft will be listed, alongside the RP number, with the status of "In Progress" and a link to Edit will be available.

Click Edit by the RP to be processed. (If you have multiple RPs, this process will need to be repeated.)

You will be taken to the Year End Tax Form Run screen where the T4/T4A data resides. It also is the screen where the review and completion of your T4s/T4As will occur.


b) Specify if T4/T4As are required:

T4s Required:

By default, this is the option chosen.

If your account requires T4s, proceed to Create and Review T4/T4As.


No T4s Required: 

If you do not require T4/T4As for this account, click the No T4s Required link.

You will be prompted to select a reason why year end slips are not required from the drop down and additional information may be entered in the Description box.

Click Save to continue with this option. Then Approve to finalize.


Please note that accounts which have paid taxable earnings and benefits to employees in the pay year must report these earnings via T4/T4As to Canada Revenue Agency. Failure to complete T4/T4As may result in a fine to the organization.

Contact the Alpine Crew at 204-478-3707 or if you have questions or require assistance.


NEXT: Create and Review T4/T4As


If you cannot access these menu items in the system or would like assistance going through the year end process, please contact the Alpine Crew at 204-478-3707 or

Contact the Alpine Crew!
